ΓΡΑΜΜΑ/GRAMMA: Περιοδικό Θεωρίας και Κριτικής, τεύχος 21

Περιεχόμενα Introduction Maria Schoina and Andrew Stauffer Introduction Deleafing: The History and Future of Losing Print, Andrew Piper Fundamental Brainwork. Rossetti Among the Printers , Jerome McGann The International “Commerce of Genius”: Foreign Books in Romantic-Period London, Diego Saglia Percy Bysshe Shelley, the Νewspapers of 1819 and the Language of Poetry, Catherine Boyle Lord Byron’s Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage: Scoping a Twenty-First-Century Digital Book History Resource, David McClay The Theory of the Copy: Henry Fox Talbot and The Pencil of Nature, Jeremy Valentine Freeman Ouida’s Publishing History: Prolific Then, Peripheral Now, Barbara Vrachnas Romantic Fragmentation and Victorian Censorship: Rethinking Nineteenth-Century Authorship, Elisavet Ioannidou Books in Pieces: Granger, History, and the Collection, Michael Macovski “Scarers in Print”: Media Literacy and Media Practice from Our Mutual Friend to Friend me On Facebook, James Mussell Book Reviews The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, Vol. VI, 1830? 1914 (edited by David McKitterick), Reviewed by Annika Bautz Dreaming in Books: The Making of the Bibliographic Imagination in the Romantic Age (by Andrew Piper), Reviewed by Maureen McCue Romantic Magazines and Metropolitan Literary Culture (by David Stewart),Reviewed by Jonathan Sachs The Nineteenth-Century Press in the Digital Age (by James Mussell), Reviewed by Mark Schoenfield