ΓΡΑΜΜΑ/GRAMMA: Περιοδικό Θεωρίας και Κριτικής, τεύχος 12

Περιεχόμενα Preface Melancholic Performance and The Matter of Origins in Walter Benjamin's Translation Theory, Linda Belau In the Company of Beckett: Gadamer, Benjamin, Levinas and the Ethics of (Self-)Translation, Keith Leslie Johnson A Consideration of "Phoria" as a Metaphor of Translation, Val Morgan The Sound of Every Falling Star: Miriam Waddington's Poetry and Translation of Rachel Korn's Poetry, Shoshanna Ganz Negotiating the Difference between Ensler's The Vagina Monologues and its Greek Translation, Olga Vlachou Shakespeare Translation and Taboo: A Case Study in Retranslation, Marta Minier First Encounters: From Sign-language and Pantomime to Translation and Interpretation: The First European Attempts at Verbal Communication with the Amerindians, Smatie Yemenedzi-Malathouni Reading Family Heirlooms, Spelling Public Memory: Cultural Translation and the Making of Usable Pasts in Greek America, Yiorgos Anagnostou Interpretation: A Merging of Voices and Bodies in the Performance of Translation, Fotini Apostolou Book Reviews C.P. Cavafy The Canon. The Original One Hundred and Fifty-Four Poems, Translated from the Greek by Stratis Haviaras, Edited by Dana Bonstrom., David Connolly Mounin, Georges. Οι Ωραίες Άπιστες. Trans. by students from the Inter-University Interdepartmental Programme of Postgraduate Studies on "Translation-Translation Studies," University of Athens., Kyriaki Kourouni Ουρανία Ν. Τουτουντζή Ο Γιώργος Χειμώνας και η τραγωδία: Μία μελέτη του μεταφραστικού έργου του Γιώργου Χειμώνα, Vicky Manteli