Partner Search - ICT/FET - aerospace equipment developers sought

Ανάρτηση: 13/11/2014

ICT/FET - Aerospace Equipment

Για project του Η2020, ζητείται συνεργάτης με την παρακάτω περιγραφή:
"Dear colleagues we seek partners for a H2020 ICT or FET call as detailed below (further project and call details available on request). Requirements in the aerospace industry are generally very tight in terms of reliability for the designed systems. Up to now this has limited them from following the most recent developments in silicon, since the decreasing features sizes has led to a larger influence of radiation leading to possibly unwanted results/outcomes.
The purpose of this project is to develop an abstraction that deals with unreliability at the lower level, allowing for the full system to work reliably at the higher level. In this context, the project aims to achieve an improved understanding of what the amount of tolerance would be that a system needs to have in terms of radiation, but also what the processing requirements are, and how larger/better processing availability would benefit the aerospace industry. 
We are interested in companies developing systems for the aerospace industry that are able to provide input as a formal partner."
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπορούν να δοθούν μετά από δικό σας ενδιαφέρον, επικοινωνόντας με:
Κ. Καραμάνης
Constantine Karamanis 
Production & Management Engineer
Technology Transfer Consultant
PRAXI Network
8, Kolokotroni str., 105 61, Athens, Greece
T: (+30) 210 36 11 931, 210 36 07 690 | F: (+30) 210 36 36 109
karamanis@help-forward.gr | www.help-forward.gr