Partner search: Horizon 2020 - Ethics in Research: Promoting Integrity GARRI-5-2014 - University of Cyprus

Ανάρτηση: 04/07/2014

Partner search: Horizon 2020 - Ethics in Research: Promoting Integrity GARRI-5-2014 - University of Cyprus

The University of Cyprus, is looking for partners for the submission of its project proposal under the Horizon 2020 programme - Science with and for Society - Call for developing governance for the advancement of Responsible Research and Innovation in the topic: Ethics in Research: Promoting Integrity GARRI-5-2014 (http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/2405-garri-5-2014.html).
The main aim of the project "Integrated Governance Framework: Promoting Research Integrity" is to develop a system of ethics in research, which would support funding bodies to constantly adapt governance frameworks so as to induce society-friendly, research and innovation. At a second level, the proposed study aims to develop a multifaceted framework that will incorporate law and governance, codes and practices, technology and education, societal actors and institutions, and ensure that outcomes resulting from Responsible Research and Innovation will correspond to the needs of various societal actors and be suitable for society in the long run.
Deadline for proposal submission: 2 October 2014
Interested parties are kindly invited to express their interest until 10 July 2014 to the following contact person:
Dr Ioannis Bekos
University of Cyprus
Further information can be found on:
Society, Research, Governance