Partner search - idealist

Ανάρτηση: 26/03/2014

Partner search από το δίκτυο idealist για τις ανοικτές προκηρύξεις

1)Date of Publication: 24/03/2014
Call Identifier: H2020-ICT-2014
Proposal Name: HYCCUPS
Challenge: Future internet
Objective: ICT 7- 2014: Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and Services
Funding Scheme: Research & Innovation Actions
Evaluation Scheme: One stage
Closure Date: 23/04/2014
Retrieve the Partner Search at: http://www.ideal-ist.eu/ps-ro-90163

2) Date of Publication: 24/03/2014
Call Identifier: H2020-ICT-2014
Proposal Name: Hecate
Challenge: Future internet
Objective: ICT 7- 2014: Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and Services
Funding Scheme: Research & Innovation Actions
Evaluation Scheme: One stage
Closure Date: 23/04/2014
Retrieve the Partner Search at: http://www.ideal-ist.eu/ps-ie-90084

3) Date of Publication: 24/03/2014
Call Identifier: H2020-HEALTH-PHC-2014/2015
Proposal Name: CardioPath
Objective: PHC 26 – 2014: Self-management of health and disease: citizen engagement and mHealth
Funding Scheme: Research & Innovation Actions
Evaluation Scheme: One stage
Closure Date: 15/04/2014
Retrieve the Partner Search at: http://www.ideal-ist.eu/ps-ro-90213

4) Date of Publication: 24/03/2014
Call Identifier: H2020-ICT-2014
Proposal Name: MIB-BIM
Challenge: Content technologies and information management
Objective: ICT 18- 2014: Support the growth of ICT innovative Creative Industries SMEs
Funding Scheme: Innovation Actions
Evaluation Scheme: One stage
Closure Date: 23/04/2014
Retrieve the Partner Search at: http://www.ideal-ist.eu/ps-it-90244

 5) Date of Publication: 24/03/2014
Call Identifier: H2020-ICT-2014
Proposal Name: Methods, criteria and tools for the Verification, Validation and Testing of data-intensive software systems
Challenge: Future internet
Objective: ICT 9- 2014: Tools and Methods for Software Development
Funding Scheme: Research & Innovation Actions
Evaluation Scheme: One stage
Closure Date: 23/04/2014
Retrieve the Partner Search at: http://www.ideal-ist.eu/ps-es-90240

6) Date of Publication: 24/03/2014
Call Identifier: H2020-ICT-2014
Proposal Name: Disposable Wireless Printed Lab-on-foil for Personal Point of Care Diagnosis
Challenge: A new generation of components and systems
Objective: ICT 3- 2014:Advanced Thin, Organic and Large Area Electronics (TOLAE) technologies
Funding Scheme: Research & Innovation Actions
Evaluation Scheme: One stage
Closure Date: 23/04/2014
Retrieve the Partner Search at: http://www.ideal-ist.eu/ps-es-90255

7) Date of Publication: 24/03/2014
Call Identifier: H2020-ICT-2014
Proposal Name: BD4ALL
Challenge: Content technologies and information management
Objective: ICT 15- 2014: Big Data and Open Data Innovation and take-up
Funding Scheme: Innovation Actions
Evaluation Scheme: One stage
Closure Date: 23/04/2014
Retrieve the Partner Search at: http://www.ideal-ist.eu/ps-es-90131

 8) Date of Publication: 24/03/2014
Call Identifier: H2020-ENERGY-LCE-2014/2015
Proposal Name: PANORAMA: Distribution grid and retail market
Objective: LCE 7 – 2014: Distribution grid and retail market
Funding Scheme: Innovation Actions
Evaluation Scheme: One stage
Closure Date: 07/05/2014
Retrieve the Partner Search at: http://www.ideal-ist.eu/ps-es-90219

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