Partner offer: ICT-PSP and Health

Ανάρτηση: 12/02/2013

Partner offer: ICT-PSP and Health

The next call for proposals for the Policy Support Programme ICT-PSP-2013-7 call is open as well as the grants for projects of the EU Health Programme of the European Executive Agency for Health and Consumers.

In case you are planning to submit a proposal you may want to consider cooperating with Polibienestar Research Institute- University of Valencia (Spain), an interdisciplinary group specialized in research, development and innovation, validation and assessment of technologies in the field of health and social policies. Polibienestar has a large experience in research regarding the use of technologies in issues related with active and healthy ageing, long-term care and sustainability of social and health care systems, social and labour inclusion, accessibility, social tourism and policy innovation. In this field, Polibienestar develops EU-funded projects and has received financing of national and international entities (European Commission, Innovation, Education, Welfare Ministries, Valencian Government, UNESCO Chairs).

Polibienestar is especially interested in projects referring to:

ICT-PSP Call 7: Theme 1: Cloud of public services and smart cities, Theme 3: ICT for health, ageing well and inclusion and Theme 5: Open objective for innovation and other actions.

EU Health Programme: Promote initiatives to increase healthy life years and promote healthy ageing (Calls 2 and 3) and Support initiatives to identify the causes of, and to address and reduce health inequalities within and between Member States; promote investment in health in cooperation with other Community policies and funds; support cooperation on issues of cross-border care and patient and health professional mobility (Call 4)

Among others, Polibienestar is now implementing as a project partner the EU-funded projects HOST – Smart technologies for self-service to seniors in social housing (AAL-2012-3-041), Progress Alzheimer: tremplin intergénérationnel d'insertion sociale et professionnelle (VP/2012/007/0129) and INSPIRES – Innovative Social and Employment Policies for Inclusive and Resilient Labour Markets in Europe (FP7-SSH-2012.1.3-2-320121).

Polibienestar has also led the Spanish team in the FP7 project INTERLINKS - Health systems and long-term care for older people in Europe – Modelling the INTERfaces and LINKS between prevention, rehabilitation, quality of services and informal care (http://www.euro.centre.org/interlinks) and has coordinated the project LivingAll – Free Movements and Equal Living Opportunities for All (www.livingall.eu) project, funded by the FP6.

Irene Monsonís
Dirección de promoción de proyectos europeos
Instituto de Investigación Polibienestar - Universitat de València
Edificio de Institutos de Investigación - Campus dels Tarongers
C/Serpis, 29
46022 Valencia (Spain)
Tel. +34961625412