Partner Search published on the Ideal-ist web portal (PS-IT-80452)

Ανάρτηση: 15/11/2012

Partner Search published on the Ideal-ist web portal (PS-IT-80452)

Date of Publication: 14/11/2012
Call Identifier: Smart Cities and Communities 2013 (FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013)
Proposal Name: IRMA
Challenge: Challenge 6:ICT for Low Carbon Economy
Objective: ICT-2013.6.6-Integrated personal mobility for smart cities
Funding Scheme: STREP
Evaluation Scheme: One step proposal
Closure Date: 04/12/2012

Retrieve the Partner Search at: http://www.ideal-ist.eu/ps-it-80452
Partner Searches are quality labeled, when they successfully passed the Quality Evaluation Criteria of Ideal-ist.