Partner Search for Project “SWITCH-Asia, Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production”

Ανάρτηση: 14/03/2012

Partner Search for Project “SWITCH-Asia, Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production”

Brief Project Description:

The aim of the project is to create a pilot intervention on the territories covered by the partnership to foster a culture of energy efficiency. The intervention is developed along two lines:

- To estimate the potential savings achievable (both thermal and electrical) in the management of a building;

- To formulate proposals for action to achieve energy efficiency levels outlined in the study phase;

- To create a Community information system on sustainable construction and the rules about EC.

Each country (partners) that adheres to the project will provide a structure that at the end of the project could become a prototype of sustainable building.

The project consists of the following actions:


- To analyze the state of affairs of the building in terms of architectural features (shape and size), building (structural materials and accessories used in its  construction), plant (heating and air conditioning, electric);

- To analyze the energy consumption habits and the current user;

- To develop a plan to optimize management of the building as a whole, estimating the potential energy     


- To make energy certification for buildings

- To estimate proposals for structural and infrastructure, plant in order to achieve higher levels of energy efficiency

- To analyze the cost of the works proposed and determine the economic return

-  Make some of the interventions provided on at least two buildings selected from the participating partners in the project.         


- To create an information and communication system  on issues for the intervention

- Dissemination of European regulations on energy performance

- Training of appropriate personnel in the energy business

- Create a network of companies that achieve shared through a portal sharing and spreading the culture of energy conservation and energy efficiency.

Project link:


Contact Information:

Danilo Crastolla

Partner CLF


0039 334 7265606