Partner Search for MED 2012 Call - Eco FUNDING Project

Ανάρτηση: 09/03/2012

Partner Search for MED 2012 Call - Eco FUNDING Project

Description of Organization:

GEC is a European project consultancy specialized in the design and management of European projects working for public and private bodies that has obtained more than 20 Million Euros for the last 3 years in European Programs such as MED, Intelligent Energy for Europe, CIP-ICT, SUDOE or LIFE+.

We are a leading company in the management of MED funds. We obtained 4.5 Million Euros in the 2008 and 2009 MED Standard Project Calls, corresponding to a global volume of 11.6 Million Euros for the execution of 9 MED projects, 3 of which were written by us.

Please check our catalogue for LocalEurope’s projects, by clicking here.

Our start-up Green Europe Consulting, is an energy saving and efficiency company focused on European projects in the field of the energy and the environment. We designed the Energy Agency of Alicante through the 2010 IEE Call, we are preparing a proposal for the current IEE Call: ATEMIND (Advanced tools for energy management in industrial areas) and we are finalizing the signature of a 100 Million Euros loan with the European Investment Bank for sustainable development.

Please check our catalogue for Green Europe’s projects, by clicking here.

Cooperation Objectives:

We are preparing a proposal for the 2012 MED Call, Axis 1, called Eco FUNDING for the reinforcement of innovation capacities of SMEs in renewable energy  and energy efficiency (Concept Note attached), so in case you are interested in becoming a partner, please send us a profile of your organization AND the Expression of Interest attached fulfilled .

In the same way, if you are preparing a proposal for the 2012 MED Call and are looking for partners, please let us know. We have a wide partner portfolio that includes Chambers of Commerce, local and regional public authorities, Energy Agencies  and energy and environment companies and associations. We inform you we will give priority to candidates offering us the possibility to participate in their project.

Contact Information:

Emmanuelle Zein
39, Gran Via Marques del Turia
46005 Valencia-Spain
Phone: +34 96 329 59 99              
Fax:     +34 96 329 66 89
Mail : ezein@localeurope.net