Partner Search-Universidad de Almería: Interest for collaboration

Ανάρτηση: 20/05/2016

Universidad de Almería is interested in submitting a proposal as a partner in the following call: 
SwafS-03-2016/2017: Support ro research organisations to implement gender equality plans 


Field of expertise related to the topic: Conducting awareness campaigns for gender equality, implementation of gender analysis at the University of Almeria and development of protocols relating to sexual bullying and gender violence.

Potential contribution to the project: Providing the necessary data for the diagnosis of the Equality Plan, Development Plan Equality in Unievrsidad of Almeria and commitment to provide the information necessary to make the comparison with other universities.

Project idea: Collating gender equality plans between universities.

Project description: Development of the different phases of an equality plan at the University of Almería: gender diagnostic visibilization, creating an equality culture, equality in labor issues, in research and academic career, and the involvement of women in University goverment.

For more information please contact:
María Isabel Ramírez Álvarez
mail: igualdad@ual.es
phone: +34 950214731