Partner Search - H2020 EE-07-2016-2017 - A French SME is looking for SMEs, universities and research organizations specialized in smart homes

Ανάρτηση: 04/04/2016

A French SME has developed a smart home innovative service enabling individual owners using electric heating system to manage their energy consumption. They are looking for partners for the H2020 EE-07-2016-2017 call. Requested partners are SMEs and sociology researchers with strong scientific background and/or deep knowledge in the field and with expertise in user interface. The partners will be in charge of analyzing and optimizing the link between smart home technologies and users’ needs.

The solution developed is a smart home service which targets three main actions for the heating management for the individual house owners: 
- reducing the consumption through a precise control of the heaters
- reducing the energy subscription thanks to power management;
- contributing to the national peak shaving without having bad influence on the comfort
This service is supported by an intuitive and user friendly interface, to make it easy and attractive to supervise the house’s heating even with a remote connection.
Main advantages of this solution:
- This new smart home service is an eco-innovation initiative designed to reduce significantly the energy demand in electricity which will offer definite economic and environmental benefits.
- Another strength is the sociological approach used to define the interface. It has been conceived with a deeply analysis of feedbacks from customers to make it easier and intuitive the use of the service.
- At national levels, this new service would contribute to peak shaving through off-switching the heaters during the energy consumption rush hours. 
- Reduction of the energy bill cost for the consumer.
Nowadays most of the technologies used in home automation are world-wide developed and available for all (smartphones, networks, etc.). This means that no obstacle is to be found on the field of technology. The objective of the project will be to work on the users’ field, focusing on how they perceive technology in their daily use and preferences.
For these reasons the partners yet engaged in the consortium are looking for partners which already have a smart home service running for individual owners and for hardware developers for aspects related to security, health and energy.
Whereas the existing consortium skills include skills in technology of heating optimization and sociology, they would like to go one step further to share their methodologies with partners with a deep scientific background from other European countries.
The consortium already includes: the French SME who has developed the solution, a SME expert in optimization of renewable energy self-consumption, a retailer of smart home devices, and a Research & development social sciences team from a large company. 
Requested partners are SMEs and sociology researchers from outside France with expertise in user interface. The requested partners will be in charge of analyzing and optimizing the link between smart home technologies and users’ needs. The coordinator is requested. 
The call: 
- H2020 EE-07-2016-2017 “Behavioural change toward energy efficiency through ICT”
- Call deadline: 19th January 2017
- Deadline for the expression of interest : end of June 2016
- Duration of the project : 24 months
Partners sought:
The existing consortium is looking for partners from all around Europe:
- SMEs 
- Sociology researchers from universities and other research organizations
Specific areas of activity of the partner sought: 
- Smart home suppliers
- Smart home devices developers
- Energy efficiency specialists
- Data security specialists
Field of expertise/ experience: 
- Strong scientific background and/or deep knowledge in the field to co-develop the research project.
- User interface 
Task  to be performed: 
- Analysis and optimization of the link between smart home technologies and need’s users
For more information, please contact:
Christiana Siambekou
Phone Number +30-2107273954
Public Email: schris@ekt.gr