Partner Search - Science with and for Society

Ανάρτηση: 22/03/2016

Partner Search for H2020 Call Science with and for Society 2016


SwafS-04-2016: Opening Research Organisations in the European Research Area
SwafS-07-2016: Training on Open Science in the European Research Area
SwafS-15-2016: Open Schooling and collaboration on science education

Field of expertise related to the topic:
knowledge organisation and dissemination, synthesising and systematisation of knowledge, networking and sharing of information, applying science and technology research findings across encyclopaedic editions, popularisation of science

Potential contribution to the project:
One of the main goals of the Miroslav Krleza Institute of Lexicogaphy is to upgrade its encyclopaedic open access online content with the intention to develop public knowledge of the highest scientific relevance, which would serve as a platform for knowledge networking and sharing. Creation of such an open repository of organised knowledge would help reinforce European research e-infrastructure and would also serve as didactic tools. Encyclopaedias have always been the means for dissemination of scientifically verified and consolidated information. However, digital technologies and innovations in the field of knowledge networking lead to a paradigm shift, as networking of information from different sources (encyclopaedias, digital libraries, museums, archives etc.) enables new insights, and as such might generate new knowledge. In addition, since encyclopaedias have always formed an important part of the infrastructure for learning in institutions like schools, libraries and universities, online encyclopaedic content represents an indispensable didactic material. Open access online encyclopaedias could also influence lifelong learning and acquiring knowledge with the help of he Internet for all citizens. By means of the collaborative tools the quality of the encyclopaedic content could be assessed, thus enabling the evaluation of public knowledge by its own users

Project idea:
We could participate in projects within this call with the purpose of establishing open access online encyclopaedias as an innovative didactic tool, as well as a part of virtual collections, using various digital open access encyclopaedic editions described in Short profile of organization. Furthermore, ongoing encyclopaedic projects, such as the Croatian Encyclopaedia of Technology, could be adapted to the requirements of a potential project proposal. This project was initiated in 2014 and has been carried out in collaboration with all the relevant institutions within the field (academies, higher education institutions, research institutions, museums, industry). Besides its contribution to understanding the role of technology in a social and cultural context, it will serve as a platform for knowledge networking and sharing, thus facilitating research and education within the Croatian history of technology. Due to the importance of technological artefacts in research and education, the traditional textual encyclopaedic content will be upgraded using available digital data about the artefacts accessible to the public, thus creating a virtual museum of technology. In addition, this innovative Encyclopaedia will contribute to the revalorisation and the sustainability of the technology heritage.

Contact Person:
Natasa Jermen 
The Miroslav Krleza Institute of Lexicography
Frankopanska 26
Phone: +385 1 4800 388
Email: natasa.jermen@lzmk.hr
Organisation web address: www.lzmk.hr