Partner Search - Science with and for Society

Ανάρτηση: 22/03/2016

Partner Search for H2020 Call Science with and for Society 2016

SwafS-15-2016: Open Schooling and collaboration on science education
SwafS-25-2016: Celebrating European Science

Field of expertise related to the topic:
Space science education and public outreach activities (events, training, tools, practises…). Leiden Observatory is leading several international projects in the field of space science education and public outreach like Space Awareness, Universe Awareness, and AstroEdu. With a solid experience as a partner and a coordinator in european and global projects, Leiden observatory has developed a wide network of partners within and outside Europe. Leiden Observatory benefit from a unique position, as an academic structure with a high level research insititute, and a close partnership with the European Space Agency (ESTEC).
Main areas of expertise
Development and coordination of international networks, support of underpriviledged communities and minorities, development and animation of teacher trainings, training scientists in science communication, research and attention to gender balance, inquiry based science education, development of educational resources, career activities, communication, ctiizen science projects, open standards, science careers aspirations and attractiveness, global citizenship, science education research and innovation
Potential contribution to the project:
Dissemination through international networks, development of innovative activities in science education, developing educational material, training, and support material, developing frameworks for open education, building on any field of expertise mentionned above.
Contact Person:
Mr Audrey Korczynska 
Leiden University / Leiden Observatory
Niels Borhweg 2
2333 CA
The Netherlands
Phone: +31715275846
Email: akorczynska@strw.leidenuniv.nl
Organisation web address: https://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/