Partner Search - H2020 call FETPROACT-01-2016 - Area 4: New technologies for energy and functional materials – coordinator and partners sought

Ανάρτηση: 21/03/2016

A Bulgarian R&D institution with experience in projects and development of novel materials is preparing a project proposal on the FETPROACT-01-2016 - Area 4: New technologies for energy and functional materials. The team seeks a coordinator and partners in the project (R&D institutions, universities and companies) involved in the development advanced materials and innovative technologies for improving the qualities of metals and alloys.

A strong need exists towards structuring emerging communities and supporting the design and development of transformative research themes. The main benefits of the structuring and explorative approach are the emerging novel areas that are not yet ready for inclusion in industry research roadmaps, and building up and structuring of new interdisciplinary research communities around them. It makes the step from collaborations between a small number of researchers, to larger collaborations addressing various aspects of a novel research theme to jointly explore possibilities for, and long-term implications of future technologies that can be considered essential.
The proposal will address research and innovation activities, aimed at jointly exploring directions and options to establish a solid baseline of knowledge and skills, and to foster the emergence of a broader innovation ecosystem for a new technology, as well as, a fertile ground for its future take-up.
The proposal aims at novel technologies and methods for adaptation of materials with complex functionality, complex composition and / or spanning a range of scales (nano, meso), and with superior properties on each of them. Energy and material availability, eco-friendliness and efficiency will be taken into account.
The Bulgarian R&D institution is looking for coordinator and other partners (R&D institutions, universities and companies). with the intention to develop new technologies for production of high performance materials strengthened in volume or on the surface by addition of nano-sized particles. The substrate materials that will be used are cast iron, magnesium alloys, etc. for tools and parts of machines production with suitable application in various fields: aerospace, aircraft and automotive industry.
Expression of interest deadline: 12/04/2016.
Call deadline:  12/04/2016.
Call: H2020-FETPROACT-2016-2017, Topic: FET Proactive: emerging themes and communities, Area 4: New technologies for energy and functional materials.
Topic link: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/2217-fetproact-01-2016.html
The project will be single stage with duration of 260 weeks.
Type of partner: a lead partner (coordinator) and project members are sought that represent research and academic institutions, and industry leaders.
Specific area of the partner: companies specialised in new technologies for production of high performance materials strengthened in volume or on the surface by addition of nano-sized particles or other types of coatings and academic / R&D institutions with relevant laboratories and expertise. 
Task to be performed: research cooperation agreement.
For more information, please contact:
Christiana Siambekou
Phone Number: +30-2107273954
Email: schris@ekt.gr