Partner Search - Technology of Wind Power Potential Analysis

Ανάρτηση: 21/03/2016

Belarusian R&D institute offers technology and software for analysis of wind potential with reference to conditions of promising sites. Main advantages: easy to operate, a possibility to arrange continuous automated process, low specific energy consumption as compared to core-type reactors. Cooperation in a form of commercial agreement with technical assistance or license agreement are offered.

Belarusian R&D institute specialized in development of energy saving equipment and technology offers technology and software for analysis of wind potential with reference to conditions of promising sites. Existing technology solutions does not take into account influence of local relief, artificial obstacles and land roughness on formation of a specific wind climate in a particular region.The technology uses meteorological data from anemometers, located near planned wind plants sites. It evaluates average wind energy in large regions and predicts average annual production of energy by a particular wind turbine located at these sites.
The procedure of selection of wind power equipment installation sites includes the following stages:
- analysis of corresponding regional wind conditions
- analysis of influence of local land relief
- analysis of influence of nearby obstacles
- drawing of resulting distribution of wind speed recurrence (for example, the Weibull distribution)
- calculation of average value of wind flow power on the basis of distribution of recurrence of wind speed (for example, the Weibull distribution) and installed wind turbine power.
Prospective wind power units (WPU) and wind power stations (WPS) sites are selected taking into account high enough wind power potential (WPP) of territories where they can generate maximum of energy, as follows:
- the most elevated and woodless lands of a particular region with strong winds (they are selected with use of corresponding topographic maps)
- sites are analyzed in details on large-scale topographic maps, separate compactly located woodless hills, suitable for WPU installation, are marked out.
Because the technology is ready to sell, cooperation with SME, R&D Institution or University in a form of commercial agreement with technical assistance or license agreement are offered.
Specific area of activity of a partner: wind energy, development methods for analysis of wind power potential. Role of a partner sought: buying the technology and starting offers services with new features based on the offered technology with support of the Belarusian specialists or buying a license and starting offers services with new features based on the offered technology.
Type of partner sought: SME, R&D Institution, University.
Specific area of activity: wind energy, development methods for analysis of wind power potential.
Task to be performed: implementation of technology, further (joint) development of new applications or adaption of technology for specific demand. 
Commercial agreement with technical assistance:
Field of partner's activity: wind energy, development methods for analysis of wind power potential
Type of partner sought: SME, R&D Institution, University
Role of partner sought: buying the technology and starting offers services with new features based on the offered technology with support of the Belarusian specialists.
License agreement:
Field of partner's activity: wind energy, development methods for analysis of wind power potential
Type of partner sought: SME, R&D Institution, University
Role of partner sought: buying a license and starting offers services with new features based on the offered technology.
For more information, please contact:
Christiana Siambekou
Phone Number: +30-2107273954
Email: schris@ekt.gr