Partner Search - Portuguese technology provider for transport sector is looking for partners for services and research cooperation agreements

Ανάρτηση: 21/03/2016

Portuguese SME specialized in research and development for the transport industry, incorporating artificial intelligence, is offering services agreement and is also looking for partners interested in research cooperation agreements. 

Portuguese start-up dedicated to research and development (R&D) for the transport industry is offering services agreement as technology provider to transport companies that need to manage efficiently their transport fleets and agents that need to control a considerable number of transport fleets.
The company is specialized in the following areas: internet of things (IoT), research and development, artificial intelligence, data mining, smart cities, big data, smart vehicles, green transportation, vehicle communication, 5th generation wireless systems (5G) transport industry, preventive maintenance, mobile ticketing.
At this stage the company has developed an information technology (IT) solution that is design to improve the efficiency of business fleets (fuel efficiency, compliance with environmental regulations and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, vehicle off-road time and maintenance costs). The company is responsible for R&D on engine control unit interpretation, vehicle protocols, communication protocols and physical interfaces, as well as big data analysis in real-time, machine-learning and artificial intelligence algorithms for preventive maintenance, fuel optimization and predicting critical events.
The company also has developed a solution based on route search algorithm and integrated ticketing through mobile solutions that includes:
- a mobile payment service to unify public transport options under one umbrella;
- research and development performed for a standardization of ticket purchase & validation among transport operators, leading to the introduction of a global e-wallet for transports. The project provides transport operators with a big data analysis platform, and a dynamic route management system based on real-time data and user feedback.
The company is also interested in several research areas compatible with their expertise, namely:
- Smart vehicles: vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication and the impacts of 5G and its related changes on the automotive industry;
- Green vehicles: research on the field of conditions affecting battery consumption on electric vehicles.
- Open data for smart cities: standards and protocols for the creation of open data. Participation on the open agile smart cities initiative.
In this area, the company has been awarded and received funding for several future internet (FIWARE) related projects;
- Data mining and artificial intelligence: analysis of real-time data from vehicle sensors and external sensors applied to fleet management, smart and dynamic route planning and energy efficiency solutions.
As part of their growth strategy to develop new disruptive solutions and products, this company is also interested in the Horizon 2020 calls related with IoT, information and communication technologies (ICT) and transport areas and is looking for research partners interested in research cooperation agreement.
Type and Size of Partner Sought
>500 MNE 
R&D Institution 
SME <10 
SME 11-50 
SME 51-250 
For more information, please contact:
Christiana Siambekou
Phone Number: +30-2107273954
Email: schris@ekt.gr