Partner Search- The IPA II CBC Programme "Greece - The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020"

Ανάρτηση: 03/03/2016

“St Kliment Ohridski” University, FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE – BITOLA : Laboratory of genetics and molecular diagnostics seeks for partners for INTERREG "Greece-The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020"

Priority Axis : Development and Support of Local Economy 
Тhematic priority: Improvement of preventive health care and public health. 
Project (working) title: Development of a regional center for Genetic and molecular diagnostics of bacterial and viral diseases involving animals and humans.
For more inofrmation for the specific objective and the progect idea, please contact:
Vice-rector for science
University St. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola
Bulevar 1. May n.n.
Bitola, 7000
Republic of Macedonia
mob: +389 70 816696
e-mail: elizabeta.bahtovska@tfb.uklo.edu.mk
internet: Elizabeta Bahtovska