Partner Search - University Rijeka Foundation: Interest for collaboration

Ανάρτηση: 24/02/2016

University of Rijeka Foundation is interested in submitting a proposal as a partner in the following calls: 
SwafS-03-2016-2017:Support to research organisations to implement gender equality plans
SwafS-07-2016:Training on Open Science in the European Research Area
SwafS-16-2016:Mapping the Ethics and Research Integrity Normative Framework
SwafS-19-2016:Networking of National representatives and resources centres on Gender in R&I 

University of Rijeka Foundation has organized various public events regarding gender equality plans and social responsible science in academic community. Foundation initiated the implementation of gender studies at University of Rijeka which is ongoing process today. Regarding that, we are connected to the most relevant academic and NGO organizations, media and networks involved in gender issues in field of science, research, politics, economics and culture. Also, our employees have strong education and work background in various gender interdisciplinary projects, such as developing regional Cultural Gender Practices network, managing gender related media and festivals etc. In adittion, some of our prominent activities include influence on policy makers related to the implementation of social responsible science principles, development of the innovative cross-sectoral know-how and networking models, national advocacy for topics related to the 'Science with and for Society' programme (such as gender equality plans) and also organising various educational and public events, campaigns and fundraising activities. 

Potential contribution to a project

As project partners we can contribute with the project dissemination on national level in Croatia with strong targeting on decision makers, scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs, students and also media. In addition, we can contribute to the development of the project idea regarding the long term experience of activity within the academic community and be relevant partner for the implementation of project aims in local context. University od Rijeka Foundation can also contribute to the project with the raise of public awareness on project goals and its social relevance, as well as ensuring media interest.

The offer is valid until August 2016.

For more information please contact:

Iva Rincic
mail: zaklada@uniri.hr
phone: +385 51 406 586