Partner Search - Natural ventilation systems for energy saving in buildings with optimisation of environmental impact and economic value

Ανάρτηση: 19/02/2016

An Italian company, based in Lombardy, specialised in energy saving solutions, has developed an innovative approach based on natural ventilation to reduce energy demand and improve microclimatic conditions within the working environment in civil and industrial buildings. The company is interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance and offers its expertise within H2020 project proposals. 

The Italian company, based in Milan, has been working across Europe for over twenty years in the smoke and heat evacuation, industrial ventilation and zenithal lighting. Customised solutions are identified leading to real energy savings, which translate into financial gain for clients.
The company has developed innovative natural ventilation systems  for industrial and commercial buildings, where hot air may have remarkable impact on working and living conditions. Design aspect is of crucial importance for creating a good, effective natural ventilation system. Such systems help clean the air of exhaust gases within an industrial facility, ultimately making the workplace a healthier environment. Morever humidity levels are kept in check within a determinate area, making it possible to safeguard the integrity of warehoused materials, preserve steel structures, and make it possible to expel potentially explosive gases at no extra energy cost. 
The company’s continuous search for state-of-the-art solutions is based on collaboration projects with research labs, daily contact with designers and clients, and active participation in national and international technical committees and professional groups related to the sector. 
The company is looking for commercial agreements with technical assistance and offers its expertise for research agreements within H2020 project proposals.
Type and Role of Partner:
Industrial, commercial, building construction partners for commercial agreements with technical assistance.
Universities, research centers, laboratories, willing to cooperate in R&D activities under research cooperation agreements (e.g. H2020).
For more information, please contact:
Christiana Siambekou
Phone Number: +30-2107273954
Email: schris@ekt.gr


Energy efficiency, Energy management, Lighting, illumination, Low, zero and plus energy rating