Partner Search - Design and production platform for nano-micro satellites

Ανάρτηση: 04/02/2016

Medium/large companies or research centres needed to develop a design and production platform for nano-micro satellites for a proposal under the H2020 call NMBP-22-2017

Type and Role of Partner Sought Medium or large companies and/or research centres with expertise about:
• IT implementation and the graphical interface that can work on the writing of software processing and on data calculation management with specific formats.
• Development or use, and integration into the platform of:
- Mission analysis (STK Type) for orbital parameter calculation and SK (Station Keeping) for small satellites.
- Analysis of sub-systems and energy assessment (Ecosim Type)
- Radiation ( Esarad Type)
• Dynamic analysis to predict the effect of zonal harmonics (J2 effect) on the control of a small satellite. The atmospheric drag in case of low orbits
In case of interest, please do not hesitate to contact:
Constantine Karamanis 
Production & Management Engineer
Technology Transfer Consultant
PRAXI Network
8, Kolokotroni str., 105 61, Athens, Greece
T: (+30) 210 36 07 690 | F: (+30) 210 36 36 109
karamanis@help-forward.gr | www.help-forward.gr