Partner Search - Automated energy and heat metering, cloud data management and billing for multiple occupancy dwellings

Ανάρτηση: 12/01/2016

A UK based SME has developed a suite of solutions that offer an integrated approach to automating the billing of energy and heat consumption within multiple occupancy buildings. The company is seeking building managers, property owners, energy services companies or infrastructure developers for research cooperation agreements or service agreements in order to demonstrate their technology.

Providing the inhabitants of multiple occupancy dwellings with detailed information on their energy and/or heat use and billing them automatically has not previously been possible through one service. This UK company has developed an integrated solution of metering, data collection/management and billing using cloud software. The inhabitant can see their real-time energy use on the internet and also compare this with their peers within the building or development. This enables an energy efficiency perspective to be visualised. The building owner or manager can also see the energy use from a whole building perspective, and use the inbuilt Customer Relationship Management to monitor energy usage, credit control and maintenance issues or data anomalies.
The software is fully scalable, meaning that it can be used effectively to bill any size of development, right through from a single building with a handful of consumers, to a whole city energy network. The software is accessed online and doesn't require local installation, so it can be utilised easily anywhere, and on any device by authorised users.
The online software works by automating many of the processes involved in metering and billing of energy networks and only highlights anomalies for manual intervention. The company provides full training and support to allow network operators to use the software and deal with anomalies, and also helps to build up the knowledge of client organisations so they can act more independently in their energy decision making and implementation.
The company is looking for building managers, property owners, energy services companies or infrastructure developers in order to demonstrate their technology under a research cooperation agreements or service agreements.
Advantages and Innovations: 
• Customisable functionality to integrate with current processes and needs
• Open protocol technology, meaning customers are not locked down with proprietary hardware or software and have freedom to switch
• Freedom to switch reduces organisational risk and increases customer service quality
• Cost savings of up to 74% compared to closed protocol/outsourced alternative methods  of billing
• Continuous development of functionality and features in response to user feedback
• Full access to new functionality at no extra cost
• Information provision and intelligent tariff development to encourage consumer consumption reduction of up to 12%
• Work with existing metering and data collection systems
In case of interest, please do not hesitate to contact:
Christiana Siambekou
Environmental Scientist MSc
NCP for Energy in HORIZON 2020
Enterprise Europe Network - Hellas
National Documentation Centre (EKT/NHRF)
48, Vas. Constantinou Ave. 11635 Athens, Greece
Tel: +30-2107273954