Partner Search - Science with and for Society

Ανάρτηση: 07/01/2016

Partner Search for H2020 Call Science with and for Society 2016

Project idea:
Eureka is a project that aims to create new communication tools in the relation between science and daily life through art. One of the art’s tasks is to find new ways to communicate using original ways and aiming to a universal language. We have conceived a format that collects and compares different points of view about scientific research, by exposing them in ways that facilitate their understanding. A more informed public is an aware and sensitive one, able to make smart choices when supporting the research and steering its consumptions.
Project description:
Eureka is a simple and flexible format that suits different scientific contexts. We create bridges between the scientific community and citizens thanks to artists and graphic facilitators. The cooperation of these 4 components allows to face different scientific issues with an approach of sharing knowledge and mutual listening.
Eureka is developed within sessions of materials collection and discussion:
1. Firstly we lead researchers to express clearly the pivotal points of their work (functioning, practice, ethics, methodology, intentions).
2. We realize a video – then presented during an open workshop with the public – that, thanks to graphic facilitation, is meant to be easily understood and shared. We collect more video material: public’s feedbacks, impressions and comments, highlighting common points or differences between researchers and public perspectives.
3. The following step drive us back to researchers, to whom we show answers by the public and its general comments. Can the research be modified, directed, or, at least, spread in a better way?
4. The last step consists in a short final video that shows the circular path developed during the project and it is focused on contents: the meaning of letting two different worlds communicate, evaluation of the effects of this kind of language.
Contact details:
Stella Benzi
Organisation: Effetto Larsen
Address: via Asiago 55
Postal code: 20128
City: Milan
Country: Italy
Phone: +393339280014
Email: organizzazione@effettolarsen.it
Organisation web address: www.effettolarsen.it