Partner Search - Fondation Agir Contre l’Exclusion - FACE

Ανάρτηση: 01/09/2015

Partner Search from the "Fondation Agir Contre l’Exclusion" (FACE), for SEAC-1-2015 Call for Proposals

La Fondation Agir Contre L’exclusion - FACE is a French Foundation, created 20 years ago and recognized as of Public Utility.
Its aim is to fight against all types of poverty, exclusion and discrimination with the help of Companies. FACE gathers more than 5000 companies of all sizes, develops projects against school dropout and contributes to create links between Companies, Schools and pupils.
In this context FACE is drafting a project that will be submitted under the H2020 call for proposal – SEAC-1-2015 – make science education and scientific careers more attractive for young people (deadline: September, 16th).
FACE is looking for partners interested to join this project.
Should you be interested, please contact:
- Adeline Dailliet – Private and Public Development Manager: a.dailliet@fondationface.org
- Céline Harcouët – Projects Director: c.harcouet@fondationface.org
More information:
Private and Public Development Manager
Development Department
Tél. : (+33) 1 49 22 51 77
Mob. : (+33) 6 45 47 43 71
Fondation FACE
361 avenue du Président Wilson - 93200 Saint-Denis La Plaine
01 49 23 68 68