Partner Search - Centre for Innovation and Development (CID) at the University of Economics-Varna

Ανάρτηση: 20/07/2015

Partner Search from the Centre for Innovation and Development (CID) at the University of Economics-Varna, Bulgaria

Partner Search from the Centre for Innovation and Development (CID) at the University of Economics-Varna, Bulgaria, under call Science with and for Society, topic: H2020 - SEAC - 2015.

Activity of the SwafS work Programme concerned:
SEAC.1.2015: Innovative ways to make science education and scientific careers attractive to young people
Field of expertise related to the topic:
Applied research in the field of economics, contemporary scientific methodology, digital platforms and tools for collaboration, cloud computing, technologies for content and information (new interfaces, big data, tools for creative content and media), incl. mobile apps development.
Potential Contribution to the project:
Co-ordination of project activities, quality assurance and exploitation, dissemination of project results.
Project idea:
Our intention is to develop Trans4B (transdisciplinary, transboundary, transformative, and transgressive blended) academic network for applied research and innovation in the field of economics for young researchers. 
The network will combine both virtual and physical transfer of scientific knowledge as well as research expertise and know-how in a user-friendly way. It aims at bringing young people into the scientific world via informal teaching and learning. In order to be more attractive, the network will include companies form creative industries and knowledge-intensive services sector. Thus the research careers will be more closely linked to labour market needs.
Project description:
During the first stage of the project the Trans4B network organisational business model will be developed, incl. network structure and methodological background. Laboratories with cloud-based platform will be established in each partner. For each of the universities there will be a specially equipped room in the laboratory, enabling collective access for students and teachers to interactive resources and relevant testing of application software. In the free access area testing, field inspection, verification of results will be carried out. In each laboratory micro research center for scientists will be established and it will be equipped with suitable ICT tools and software to conduct reliable tests and experiments. Platforms will be chosen, modeling and visualisation of results will be carried out there. 
During the second stage of project implementation the laboratory will be supplemented with cinema camera. Recent development of ICT allows for every higher education institution to possess an own virtual studio. Using videoeditors it will be possible to proccess videoclips in real time with an opportunity for preliminary effects screening. The common tendency for introducing new technologies in all fields of Internet development and particularly web technologies stimulate its efficiency and provide broad opportunities for complete assurance of the interactive courses, incl. in scientific methodology. The possibility to establish an interactive agile online-based education of young scientists promotes easier, faster and enjoyable perception of scientific methodology. Creation of diverse accessible web-based teaching and scientific materials facilitates education process, especially generation of applied skills. Cinema camera will be used to create and to edit different case studies, situational games with or without participation of students and lecturers.
Centre for Innovation and Development at the University of Economics-Varna
77 Knjaz Boris I Boul.
t: +359882 640 720
e: bistravas@ue-varna.bg
u: www.ue-varna.bg