Partner Search - University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova

Ανάρτηση: 17/07/2015

Partner Search form the University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova for Science with and for Society, calls H2020-SEAC/GERI/ISSI/GARRI-2015

The University of Academy of Science of Moldova is relatively young institution and was founded for promotion of career in sciences in Republic of Moldova and training of young professionals for Academy of Sciences of Moldova. At the University exist all three levels of studies: bachelor, master and PhD at three faculties: Exact Sciences, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences and Humanities.

The University is searching for partners for cience with and for Society, calls H2020-SEAC/GERI/ISSI/GARRI-2015


Delinschi Andrian
University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
3/2 Academiei str., 2028
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
t: +37322 737450
e: andriandelinschi@gmail.com
w: edu.asm.md