Partner Search - Science With and For Society

Ανάρτηση: 06/07/2015

Partner Search - Science With and For Society, SEAC.1.2015, GERI-4-2015 topics 

If you are thinking to submit / participate in a proposal under "Science With and For Society" of the HORIZON 2020 Programme, then you may be interested in the following searches:
Addressing the ‘Call for promoting gender equality in research and innovation’ there are two Partner Searches (i.e. potential coordinators seeking to develop their consortium) for the following topic:
- GERI-4-2015:  Support to research organisations to implement gender equality plans
Addressing the ‘Call for making science education and careers attractive for young people’ there are two Project Searches (i.e. potential partners seeking to join a developing consortium) for the following topic:
- SEAC.1.2015 - Innovative ways to make science education and scientific careers attractive to young people
Henry Scott
National Documentation Centre, EKT/NHRF
Vas. Konstantinou Ave. 48,
Athens, 11635, Greece
t: 0030 210 727 3926
e: hscott@ekt.gr