Partner Search - South Eastern applied Materials Research Centre (SEAM)

Ανάρτηση: 28/11/2014

SEAM - South Eastern applied Materials Research Centre, Waterford, Ireland, is looking for Partners for Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

SEAM - South Eastern applied Materials Research Centre, Waterford, Ireland, is looking for Partners for Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

SEAM is a research and development facility which provides innovative materials engineering solutions for research and industrial partners from wide ranging sectors such as Biomedical, Pharma, Precision Engineering and Energy. SEAM has a number of niche technologies including X-ray microtomography, White light interferometry, Microwave processing and Failure analysis as well as a suite of analytical equipment for traditional analysis techniques. 

SEAM capabilities include: Failure Analysis, Metrology Analysis, Material Characterisation, Containment Identification/Analysis and Mechanical Property Analysis.
• X-ray Microtomography (XMT) is a non-destructive technique that uses x-rays to create cross-sections of a physical object that can be used to recreate a virtual model (3D model). 
• Microwave processing allows for the specific volumetric heating of a product up to 400°C.
• Whitelight Interferometry (WLI) is a non-contact method for surface height measurement of 3-D structures with surface profiles varying from tens of nanometers to centimeters.
• Failure Analysis techniques including Finite Element Modelling, cross-section analysis and wide ranging characterisation of materials.
• Formulation development of nano-drug delivery systems using lipids and polymers as carrier for sustained and controlled drug delivery.
• Characterisation of nanopharmaceuticals - amount of drug present, drug release and surface morphology utilizing HPLC, SEM, DSC, TGA, FTIR, GCMS, NMR etc. 
• 3-D metal sintering (proposed mid-2015)
Over the past 5 years, SEAM has acquired over €6.4m in total funding from wide ranging sources viz., through successful execution of direct funded industry projects, seven EI Innovation Partnerships projects, several EI Innovation Vouchers and through the coordination of an EU FP7-SME (REALISM) project.
Contact Point:
Dr. Ramesh Raghavendra