PowerUp! Start-up competition by InnoEnergy KIC EIT

Ανάρτηση: 19/03/2018

Are you the next innovator we are looking for? Does your start-up have the product that will change the future of the energy sector? Do you have a fix for the problem or poor air quality? Perhaps you know the best way to make our cities and buildings smarter. Have you developed a cyber security solution that helps energy and utility companies? Or are you the one who will shape the future of mobility?

Are you the next innovator we are looking for? Does your start-up have the product that will change the future of the energy sector? Do you have a fix for the problem or poor air quality? Perhaps you know the best way to make our cities and buildings smarter. Have you developed a cyber security solution that helps energy and utility companies? Or are you the one who will shape the future of mobility?

Join the change - apply to the PowerUp!
You can submit your application until April 15th.
Applications & more information: http://powerup.innoenergy.com