EUF Open Space The Project Incubator for EU Funding in Higher Education

Ανάρτηση: 27/02/2018

The European University Foundation is pleased to invite you to the 4th edition of its Open Space project incubator tailored for university staff, which will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from the 20th to the 22nd of June 2018. 

Are you developing your own project or contributing to the project applications of your colleagues? Throughout the event, you will acquire essential knowledge about EU funding in Higher Education and have an opportunity to shape your project idea under expert guidance. The experienced facilitators will guide you through the most important steps of project development with a special focus on:
The key to a successful project proposal
Erasmus+ and European policy priorities 
Creating your consortium
Preparing a balanced budget
Project management
Join the European University Foundation in Thessaloniki and spread the word: registrations are open!
See more here